“Rather than constantly pondering whether our reach is ‘big enough,’ we should also be looking at the depth of our actions.” – Jess Constable.
“I pray He’ll draw them in, whisper to them that they’re worth it.”
“Rather than constantly pondering whether our reach is ‘big enough,’ we should also be looking at the depth of our actions.” – Jess Constable.
“I pray He’ll draw them in, whisper to them that they’re worth it.”
I’ve just finished Miller’s spiritual memoir (in preparation for seeing the film adaptation in a few weeks!) and I really loved the heart of it, and the writing was so good; this small passage is one of many that I found absolutely delicious. The words latched themselves to my memory instantly. I continue to roll those phrases over and over in my mind like candy on the tongue, savoring their flavors. That’s why I lovedthis post from him about using verbs versus adjectives. His sentence is a perfect example of that principle at its best.
For now, I guess I should use it an excuse to brew an extra mug of earl grey and settle in with my current read. Yes, that sounds like a good idea… Happy weekend, loves.
It started innocently enough… A friend introduced me to him at a Starbucks on a rainy day. We acquainted ourselves over London Fog lattés, and now the more I get to know him the more I realize I cannot live without him. His name, you ask?
My one criteria is not that you share a writing blog, but that you share a blog that has good writing. There is a difference, don’t you think? It has to be a good read. And please, make sure it’s one that’s easy on the eyes. If the design is terrible (i.e. too crazy colors and backgrounds, ridiculous and unreadable fonts) I will immediately click away from it and won’t bother reading. See? The clothing analogies are endless when it comes to blog shopping!