Inspired By.

Le sigh. I just drove my best friend to O’Hare so that she can catch her plane to Paris for an international pastry-making competition. I die of jealousy, but I’ve had my turn already, nearly four years ago. It’s her first time traveling internationally, so I’m happy for her. I’ll go back someday, right? Right.
Meantime, I sit in the quiet of my little apartment in the Chicago suburbs as the sky begins to fall in big white chunks – a late winter snow storm that I could do without. I hate the Midwest in March for the hangover-like feeling it leaves on dreary afternoons and its unpredictable swings in climate. It was fifty degrees and sunny only two days ago. I’m ready to bare my legs in a gauzy dress and go without a jacket and feel sun on bare skin and sit outside on my porch late at night.

For now, I guess I should use it an excuse to brew an extra mug of earl grey and settle in with my current read. Yes, that sounds like a good idea… Happy weekend, loves.

There are few things in life as romantic as dating your spouse.
Not Heaven someday, when we get there, but right now, right here.
Praise God for transition.
Beautiful words about my favorite city.
Doesn’t this book look like a juicy read?
Then trying to get back in… which makes me want to read this book.

A Little Announcement…

A friend sent me this photo of Anne Sexton after this bookish post I shared a few months ago. There’s something about it that I find quite arresting. Her surroundings, typewriter sitting at her elbow waiting for words and books slanting against one another, waiting to be rifled through. Her outfit, sleeves rolled up on her button down, with comfortable slacks and black flats. Her position, chair tipped back with her feet on the desk. She props her hand in the air and her lips part – she’s about to say something good, something worth writing down.
This is the life of a writer at its best.
At times I find myself fantasizing about this life, and I have to stop and remember that writing is hard. It’s bleeding and weeping and prying your hands from perfection in order to grasp hold of the truth. It’s nothing like leaning back and propping up your feet; or at least not very often, and certainly not when there’s a camera in the room to document it. Sexton knew this all too well.
But just now, today, I feel very much ready to take it on, this life of writing – the bleeding and the crying, and then, in scarce and blessed moments, with the afternoon light gleaming through the window, the happy relief of having said something good, something worth writing down.
So here is my little announcement : Ally and Darrell of Prodigal Magazine asked me to be a staff writer for their newly refurbished online mag. My first article will be published later this week or next, but you’ll see my words over there a couple of times each month. I’m excited, scared, thankful.
But most of all, I’m ready.

Inspired By.

I’ve fallen in love.

It started innocently enough… A friend introduced me to him at a Starbucks on a rainy day. We acquainted ourselves over London Fog lattés, and now the more I get to know him the more I realize I cannot live without him. His name, you ask?

Earl Grey. 
There’s just something about his flavor and scent, a citrusy fog that is musky and deep like the best kind of cologne, that brings all of life to a low hum. In his presence I find myself unwound, loose and swoony and deeply content in the way that only a dashing British gentleman can do to a girl.
This love affair has gotten out of hand, but like any true romance, it’s a helplessness I enjoy. My best friend further enabled this relationship by making an Earl Grey Panna Cotta for dessert last night… yes, the best tea in the world transformed into creamy spoonfuls that are even more satisfying than the best tiramisu you can imagine, the epitome of relaxation and luxury.
And on a rainy snowy afternoon at the end of the week, what could be better than a cup of Earl Grey and a good read? Treat yourself…
Authenticity online : on abs and imperfections and the worst two months ever. (Love these women.)

Inspired By.

Friends, my blog reader is feeling a little stale. It’s like going to my closet full of clothes and sighing, “I have absolutely nothing to wear…” This a complete lie, but it’s just that feeling that nothing feels new or particularly exciting that makes me feel a little… ennui. The truth is, there are some great pieces in my “favorite blogs” closet, and I love them, and I’m absolutely going to keep them around, but I’m ready to do a little shopping!
So give me some good deals, okay? Tell me : what’s your favorite blog? Leave your favorite in the comments.

My one criteria is not that you share a writing blog, but that you share a blog that has good writing. There is a difference, don’t you think? It has to be a good read. And please, make sure it’s one that’s easy on the eyes. If the design is terrible (i.e. too crazy colors and backgrounds, ridiculous and unreadable fonts) I will immediately click away from it and won’t bother reading. See? The clothing analogies are endless when it comes to blog shopping!

Despite my restlessness, here are a few that I’ve found this week that did catch my attention.
“A study published last month in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social  Networking found that the more time people spent on Facebook, the happier they perceived their friends to be and the sadder they felt as a consequence. What we’re losing, Ms. Turkle said, is a healthy form of compartmentalization.” – About over-sharing and over-obsessing in social media.
And let’s differentiate between “thinspiration” and “healthspiration,” otherwise known as the dark side of Pinterest.
The academy is always late to the party (but Adele still deserved the sweep.)
“While I waited, I kept writing.” Great advice about submitting book proposals to publishers.
And what’s your writing routine? I’m still working on mine.
Can’t wait to explore your links! Have a good weekend, friends.