Three Years.


This morning I looked through a stack of photos. It’s a ritual of remembering I set aside for this day every year, to honor you. I pause and let myself feel fully the weight of your absence. I come to grips with the reality, searching through this stack of photos, that I’ll never find what I’m searching for: you, present tense. You, with me as I am now. A picture of you, age 53, and me, age 27, arms around each other, smiling. The stack of photos in my hand feels so finite. I’m holding a window of time, a fixed frame, a chapter in a book.

I miss you, mom. I always will.

  • Sarah Joslyn

    Sweet, quiet prayers for you today, B.

  • Andrea Cumbo-Floyd

    My heart is with you, Bethany. I miss mine, too. Every day.

  • Tina Francis/ @teenbug

    O, beautiful Bethany. Praying for you today love. xoxox

  • Magdalena

    Beautiful. I understand your pain. xx

  • Ganise C.

    Heart-rending. May His tender Hands comfort you.

  • Beth Caplin Stoneburner

    This year will be a difficult year of “firsts” for me, after losing my Dad. His birthday is next month, then there’s my mom’s first wedding anniversary without him, first father’s day…I imagine it doesn’t get much easier over time? Or does it still hurt, just hurts less?