Yes, you read that right. I’ve been asked to speak at a friend’s cafe in Norwalk, Ohio this Saturday, September 28. Our friends from college, Dave and Tiffany Lamb, invited my husband and his band and me to share our talents with their community and we’re so thrilled and honored to make it happen. The show has been in the works for a few months, but the details just fell into place. Matt and my younger brother Adam will be playing music, and afterward I’ll give a talk about my (work in progress) book.
It feels kinda crazy because my book is still in submitting proposals-to-publishers stage, but I think it’s a good opportunity to get my feet wet in this business of sharing my story. Specifically, I’ll be talking about Healing and the Church, about how evangelical culture talks about terminal illness, grief, prayer and healing. I’m nervous and excited and all points in between, but I know it will be good. If you’re in the area that weekend, you are welcome to join us!
W H E N : Saturday, September 28 at 6:30 p.m.
W H E R E : Haven Acoustic Cafe (67 E. Main St. Norwalk, Ohio 44857)
R S V P : at the event on Facebook or here in the comments (do I have any readers in Ohio?! *waves*)