Inspired By.

From the rooftop of her north-side apartment, we could see Lake Michigan moonlit and lapping quietly only two blocks away. How surreal to see its vast expanse emerge past the high-rises and city streets, past the rush of human life and commerce into pure nature.

It is a funny beautiful world we live in.

And because it’s been a long week (long month, long year, long life) and the hot night begged us to, we made a spur-of-the-moment walk down to the shore where we let the waves race to our ankles and we gazed at the blend of blue darkness. The brightest stars overhead were just visible beyond the florescent glow of street lamps, and I, speechless with wonder, expelled a deep sigh of relief.

Sometimes the best way to put our trivialities in their place is to step away from them into the vast expanse of life, the life you cannot control but can enjoy because you are in it and it is a miracle.

What was your favorite moment this week?

A few good reads :

The time that she almost got published.

Dear Morning.

Hello, it’s Mr. Nasty.

We are the real rebels.

Young ones with old hearts.

Just ask Jo : Blogging as a Career.

“If you love your reader, you will go first. You have to lead them on this journey.” On Writing with Vulnerability.

“What I learned that day is that sometimes the most liberating exercise of freedom is voluntarily laying it down.” The Best Drink I Never Had.

“But it’s not about deserving anything. It’s about loving ourselves anyway. Because God loves us… Because we are slums being turned into holy temples.” The Day I Stopped Eating.

“I think much of the blogosphere can’t do without [conflict.] We have become the outrage-industrial complex, building a digital empire by speaking in the vitriolic language of us vs. them.” A History of Outrage.

“As a blogger, it’s taken me some time to learn, but I realized one day a long while ago that I didn’t want the readers or the blog traffic the professionals had if I had to push people away from each other instead of bring them together.” Great thoughts on careful consumption online.

