Inspired By.

It’s been a crazy wonderful first week in the new She Writes and Rights space. I’m a little overwhelmed by all of the support and positive response. Thank you!

I will admit that my introverted self is a little fidgety with all the attention, especially the new Facebook page thing. You can ‘like’ it, and I’d be flattered, but launching the blog and the Facebook page and the whole shebang made me sweaty-palms nervous, like I was about to give a public speech in front of 500+ people, instead of just posting it for you to read for yourself.

So while I’ve been really happy and blessed this week, I’m kinda ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, aren’t you? More poems and less this is how it’s done. Like I said, I’m not a how-to blogger.

Other than the bloggyness this week, I’ve been reading a lot. I finished A Moveable Feast awhile ago, and now I’m deep into Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, and though I loved Hemingway, Miller’s words are grabbing my heart at a time when it needs to be shaken up and moved. I’m a little late to the party when it comes to Miller’s writing, but hey. Better late than never, right?

And reading Miller’s thoughts on learning to live a better story came at exactly the right time because we’ve been exploring the idea of living a good story over at Prodigal this week. (Did you see my post in the series?) We’ve had a flood of great submissions, so be sure to check them out. This one, “How the Best Story Found Me” was my personal fave. An excerpt :

“I think about what I will tell my niece, and our daughter if we have one, about the pursuit of love: how for so long I worked so hard to find it, when all along it was meant to find me. How it looks nothing like fear or desperation but sure can feel like stillness and faith. How often I’ve stood in the middle of my life with a map of my own making, thinking I knew just the way to go, and how much of the time I was dead lost and didn’t even know it. How, when it mattered, love located me and wrote its chapter of my life itself.”

A few other words that wowed me this week :

How hope is circular.

Five words that will change your life.

A love letter to my city.

“Never take advice from lists. Stories are better.” Yep.

“People often ask me who my heros are, who do I look up to, and who do I get my inspiration from. If only Indiana Jones had been a whip-wielding, Nazi-killing, fedora-wearing writer instead of an archeologist, I’d have a respectable answer.” You are a writer, so just admit it.

Did you have a personal post favorite this week? Leave a lovelink and have a wonderful weekend!
