Yesterday I made him take the Myers Briggs test for the first time, and we discovered that he’s an ISFJ. (I’m an INFJ.) Reading through the personality description was one big Oooooh. I get it now!
Today we celebrate four years of marriage. We’ve officially been married longer than we dated, and we’re closing in on a decade of this relationship. We met when I was 18 and he was 21, and we got married when I was 21 and he was 23. We’ve spent most of these years growing up together in order to grow old together. Despite how often our family (however lovingly) badgers us about when we’ll have kids, I’m so thankful for the time we’ve had together, just us, to work through things (mostly ourselves) and figure out what we want, together.
When we got married, I thought that by the time I turned 26 and we had been married for four or five years, we’d be ready to have kids. Now that we’re there, I’m laughing at my 21-year-old self (and I suspect Matt is breathing a sigh of relief.) We’ve both realized that while it’s good to set out with a plan in mind, it’s okay to change those plans and decide what works better for us, no matter how much people badger or how much time it takes to figure out how to make things work. Slowly, over four years, we’ve realized that our life will be uniquely ours, and that means we can make really different choices to lead us there. Different than we ever thought we would choose. Different than any choice our family and friends would make.
Sometimes it is so freeing to throw out old expectations and start over.
We both sense this leading us toward new adventure in the coming year. We’re not exactly sure what it looks like or how we’ll get there, but we’re excited and ready. Here’s to another year (or eighty). I love you, Matthew Jason.