Driving Alone at Day’s End.

Somewhere around mile marker 43, my heart and the road finally meet. Slow, numb tears fall, expelling breath in relief, sticking to my cheeks, pooling at the cleft in my collarbone.

I look at the clouds. They float softly alongside me, great and quiet companions of grief thrown in high relief by the setting sun we leave behind us. They gather rain but don’t know how to release it.

And it is no particular thing; today is not an anniversary, nor a first, nor a last.

It is everything and nothing all the same. It is the world, which unfurls, vaults and slowly spreads itself to the thin horizon of a flat Wisconsin plain, wheat waving in the dry heat. Another day is ending.


  • Melissa Tydell

    “How dare time move without you”–this touched my heart. Hugs to you, friend…

    • http://www.bethanysuckrow.com/ Bethany Suckrow

      Thanks, friend. Hard to write, but there it is.

  • TGL

    How time passes. How life changes.


    • http://www.bethanysuckrow.com/ Bethany Suckrow

      Madness, indeed. <3

  • Sophie Novak

    So emotional – you brought tears to my eyes! Beautiful writing as always Bethany!

    • http://www.bethanysuckrow.com/ Bethany Suckrow

      Thanks for reading, Sophie!

  • Andrea Beltran

    When your energy wanes, your friends will hold you up. I’m taking your right arm. (hug)

    • http://www.bethanysuckrow.com/ Bethany Suckrow

      Aww thanks for this sweet comment, friend. Made me smile. :)

  • http://cajoh.blogspot.com/ Christopher Johnson

    Choosing not to choose is also a choice. Every journey begins with a single step. Wishing you the best of skill in finding a pace without tripping over yourself.

  • http://allisonvesterfelt.com/ Allison Vesterfelt

    Grief is heavy. Let others help you hold it. Don’t pretend like you don’t have it. It’s okay to grieve. There is actually relief on the other side. We love and and we’re here for you. Praying for your heart this afternoon, friend.