The “Online” vs. “Real Life” Myth.

A long time ago, when this blog was in it’s infancy, I wrote a post that hurt a friend of mine. I won’t go into humiliating detail, but let’s just leave it at this: she posted something on Facebook I disagreed with, and I decided to blog about it. Ever the arrogant English major, I dug down to the etymological roots of the words she used, blathering on about how petty I found her ideas at the time.

And then she read it.

And then, in a truly humiliating turn of events, more people read it. Her husband. My husband. Our friends.

And then they talked.

And then I took down the post.

As much as I wanted to be right and felt my ideas were valid, I couldn’t deny that the way I went about expressing my ideas was wrong. I hurt my friend, not because she’s too sensitive and can’t take constructive criticism, but because my criticism was not constructive. It was snarky, rude, and though the post didn’t mention her by name, it might as well have.

I think I thought that no one was paying attention to my blog, so I could get away with it. I think I thought that maybe if I obscured my language a little bit and buried my frustration with her beneath layers of intellectual rhetoric, people would think I was smart and witty and would forgive me my ruthlessness. I think I thought that my blog was my territory, so no one could criticize me. I was wrong.

My friends were gracious enough not to storm my comments section with their rage, but to reach out to me privately and say, “did you really intend to hurt?”

I didn’t intend to, but I did hurt.

I’ve had to relearn that same lesson over and over again online, and in those other instances, I haven’t always had the graciousness of friends to help me dismantle my arrogance. More often than not, it has happened with complete strangers, or people I’ve never met in person.

Sometimes being a writer on the internet feels a little like those Sunday mornings that start with good intentions and result in you yelling curse words at the driver that cuts you off in traffic on your commute to church… and then that same driver pulls into your church parking lot just ahead of you. Do you risk being a little late to worship and park down the street so they don’t realize Crazy Lady With All the Swears and Middle Fingers also attends the 11 a.m. service?

We go with the best intentions for engaging healthy community and facilitating important discussions about faith, human rights, theology, politics, the arts, and a whole manner of really important, worthwhile things, but then we jump into conversations and they are promptly derailed by egos, sarcasm, condescending remarks, and general nastiness.

This is humanity and it’s not unique to the internet.

But so often we tell ourselves that those people we disagree with so vehemently “don’t know us in real life” and we shrug it all off like it doesn’t matter. The obvious implication is that the people we interact with online are somehow less “real” than us, and that the consequences for how we interact are less “real” too. And it’s unhealthy. Because it makes it hard for us to talk about something well, like human rights and theology, without treating others as less “real,” less human, for disagreeing. And then it defeats the whole purpose of these conversations to begin with. The “real life” versus “online” distinction is an immature idea, and it gives way to immature behavior.

It’s “online” versus “offline,” not “real life” versus “fake life.”

I know this because this online life of mine has led to a lot of real friendships over the past few years. The “online” versus “real life” distinction is the excuse I whip out when someone disagrees with me and hurts my feelings.

I’m not saying that we owe it to everyone on the internet to treat them like they’re our best friend. All it means is that we are just as responsible for treating people like they matter as we would if we were confronting them face-to-face. It means that if we see conversations derailing into hurtful, condescending arguments, we’re responsible for setting a boundary for ourselves, and sticking to it.

My friend Tamara left a brilliant comment on my post a few weeks ago, and I’ve adopted it as my new mantra :

Don’t engage the crazy.

Most times, this means not engaging my own crazy. (Because let’s face it, I can’t even make it to church without losing my temper.)

For me, setting that boundary means saying, “This discussion isn’t healthy for me. I’m sorry, but I have to end this conversation here.”

So here is my invitation : if you’re as tired of the “online” versus “real life” myth as I am, then let’s intentionally change the way we talk about the internet, and by doing so, acknowledge each other as  equally real, and then treat each other that way. Let’s set and maintain healthy boundaries for how we interact. Let’s be quick to listen and slow to speak and love one another as ourselves, because isn’t that why we’re here? At least that is my hope.

So, real talk with me : how do you approach engaging people on the internet? What are the things that raise your hackles and how do you tame yourself down? What are the boundaries you’re setting for yourself these days? Do you disagree with me?

  • Pilar Arsenec

    I’m still trying to figure that one out. Like you, I’m dealing with health
    issues right now, which is rudely interrupting my life and thus, my writing

    • Allison Vesterfelt

      Pilar — yeah, it can be hard to keep writing when you’re in physical pain. For now focus on getting better, okay? Saying a prayer for your quick recovery.

  • Stacey

    Allison – I love this. I especially love the part where you talk about how sometimes writers try to force healing in their lives before they start a new project, rather than find healing during the process of writing. It is so true and I agree that “forced healing” creates work that sounds cookie cutter and “stilted.” I love to write and honestly, one of my biggest fears in pursuing a bigger project is feeling like I have to be healed before I do it lest I create something dishonest. Thank you for this post – it’s good to know that it’s okay to find healng in the process.

    • Bethany Suckrow

      Stacey, thanks for your comment. You hit the nail on the head here when you say “one of my biggest fears in pursuing a bigger project is feeling like I have to be healed before I do it.” I think I feel this way a lot, even when I think of a post for my blog, yet when I post what’s really happening in my heart, in real time, I get the most wonderful responses and conversation from readers, which helps me heal. Thanks for leaving such a thoughtful comment. ;)

    • Allison Vesterfelt

      Yes, Stacey, thank you for this. I think the hardest part about finding healing in your writing is that you have to feel the pain of it (what you experienced) instead of glossing over it. My favorite part of what you said is that, if we wait to be healed before we write, we may never write. Such a great addition. Thanks for your comment.

  • Claire Webster

    Thanks for this post!

    Unfortunately injury usually comes with the territory of continuous writing. I try to put in hours at the local swimming pool for this reason, and practice wrist stretches on a regular basis. I think pain is inevitable, but worse pain can often be avoided.

    • Allison Vesterfelt

      Clairikine — I agree. I’ve been doing some stretches lately, icing the effected area, and taking something to keep the swelling down. That seems to be helping.

      I think the “feel the pain” was more of a metaphor than anything. Thanks for your addition.

  • Kandace

    Sometimes my healing goes so deep as I write that I realize what I am really doing is worshiping my Healer. I have to stop at times and soak in what He’s done, what’s He is doing and what He will continue to do as I trust in Him. I am fearfully aware that if my words do not lead people to think upon their Creator, all they get is me. While I know I am loved and valuable because of the One who created me, my story is powerless without His Spirit working in it.

  • Grace Sandra

    Helpful thoughts here, Ally. I started working on my memoir (for the 2nd time after the 1st manuscript was housed on a stolen laptop) in 2006. I can definitely agree that I’ve had so much living to do before getting that story out. Not only has it taken a long time to even remember things, but it’s taken a long time to understand the full ramifications of the childhood I’m writing about…there are things I had to go through in the past couple of years to be able to write honestly that I survived it all. I do hate that. I hate that it’s been almost 7 years but on the other hand I’m thankful for how much I’ve learned in that space, especially the voice I want to write it in…my own voice for my own life. With a largely un-edited 70,000 word manuscript breathing down my throat I feel like you did once you got home: wondering if I’m ever gonna finish off this mighty beast….not even being able to imagine the disappointment I would feel in myself if I gave up now. So, no I’m not waiting on an agent or a publisher to affirm me, I’m mostly waiting on me…trying to honor the time this project needs for whatever reason. It may 2014 or ever 2015 (God help me) before my memoir ever sees the light of day…and I know that 10+ year journey will have been worth it…even if it sells 25 copies to each of my cousins. =)